SSSC Play Day Series

South Seattle Saddle Club’s Play Day Series welcomes all levels of riders and horses, from beginners to well seasoned. Each play day consists of 5 single rider events, which change for each day in the series. We offer daily Buckeroo/Leadline ribbons and prize chest as well as highpoint awards, and end of series buckles for each age bracket. Season runs from June – September, weather permitting.

Prices and Fees:
Buckeroo/Leadline: $25
Members: $35
Non-members: $45
Member Family (3+): $80
Haul-in: $5.00 per day
Camping: $5.00 per night
We currently accept cash, check, or Zelle.

Start Time:
Gates open at 8am and we strongly encourage new participants to come early to register at the office. Event official start time is 10:00am.

Our kitchen will be open and serves breakfast and lunch – offering a variety of meals, snacks, and beverages.

Rule Book:

This rule book is being written in the best interest of S.S.S.C. Members and all others who would be interested in competing at the club Playdays. The rules are common sense, safety inspired regulations made specifically for our club. All rules are subject to review and change; review to be done by the Playdays Committee, with the final decision to be made by the Playdays chairperson(s) and executive board members.

These Playday functions are meant to be fun for everyone, but must have rules to be adhered to at all times. Rules must be enforced fairly and consistently with patience and compassion. Anyone, Member or Non-Member, not observing these written rules is subject to dismissal, and/or disqualification, to be determined by the Playday Chairperson(s).

Updated 2024

General Rules:

  1. Unsportsmanlike conduct, profanity, intentional repetitive striking of the horse (not to include over/under or crop during a run), striking in front of the cinch (touching or patting ahead of the elbow shall not be construed as striking, therefore not a disqualification), unsafe horses or riding, disrespecting other competitors or show volunteers and officials can result in disqualification from that event or for the entire day, final decision to be left to the judge and Playday Chairperson(s).
  2. Dress Code: Jeans or riding pants, boots or approved riding shoes with heel are required for all mounted riders. No Crop-tops or shorts while riding. One warning will be given prior to dismissal.
  3. Helmets are required for riders 17 years and under and are encouraged for all other riders. Helmets must be properly fitted and secured when on course (bicycle helmets are acceptable). One warning will be given prior to dismissal.
  4. The horse must be sound (i.e., not lame). Documentation from a veterinarian approving participation (such as for a horse that is sound, but permanently limps) may be accepted by the chairperson(s).
  5. No cell phone use while handling a horse in arena
  6. Parent or guardian must sign entry forms for minors (17 and under).
  7. There will be NO refund given after the first event has been run, with the exception of injury to horse or rider.
  8. Rider must remain in the same age group the whole year (the age as of April 1st of the year). An exception is a rider moving from Leadline to another age group, or from another age group to Leadline.
  9. Age groups:
  • Leadline/Beginner: any age
  • Buckaroo: 8 and under
  • Junior: 9-13
  • Intermediate: 14-18
  • Senior: 19-35
  • Super Senior: 36& Up
  1. No clip-on spurs. All spurs must be fully secured (tape and rubber-bands are not classified as secure).
  2. Must be at least 18 to handle stallions and notify office there is a stallion on grounds
  3. Riders must enter the arena with their age group, unless the rider has been given permission by the Playday Chairperson(s) to wait outside the arena for their turn to ride, or has been given permission by the Playday Chairperson(s) to enter the arena late.
  4. In all events except Texas Barrels, two poles 30 feet apart shall designate the start and finish line. In Texas Barrels, the starting poles shall be 60 feet apart. A horse must pass between these poles at the start and finish, or they will be considered off course. Timers to be on the off-course side of the line.
  1. Start and Finish. The judge is the person of authority on course and will signal when the course is ready by raising the green flag. After being given the green flag, the rider has 2 minutes to start. In the event of a dispute, complaint, or discrepancy, all issues must be brought to the attention of the Playday Chairperson(s) only, not the judge. All decisions will be made with the judge’s and rider’s input, but the Playday Chairperson(s) will have the final decision.
  2. There will be a 2-minute time limit to get your horse on course. If you do not start within the 2 minutes, you will be put at the end of the class, if you do not start in time again you will receive a no time, and a refund will not be issued.
  3. Crossing over the start/finish line before the flag is given by the judge will result in a disqualification, at the judge’s discretion.
  4. Crossing over the start/finish line before your name has been called will result in a disqualification, at the judge’s discretion.
  5. When 2 timing lanes are being used for an event, riders must stay in their own lane, until their horse has come to a stop. Horses must come to a stop before exiting the arena. Running into the other lane or running into horses in the other lane will result in a disqualification, at the judge’s discretion.
  6. Failure of equipment (timers, gaming and event equipment, or horse equipment) will constitute a re-ride.
  7. Times announced are tentative; official times will be posted in the office after the next age group.
  8. It shall be optional to the riders to accept a run off or let the placing stand as is. In breaking a tie, slower time takes the next lower position. In the event of a disagreement the decision shall be left to the Chairperson(s).
  9. It is the rider’s responsibility to check all scoring results sheets as they are posted. If there are errors it must be corrected at the show. If a protest is to be made it must be presented to the Chairperson before the end of the show
  10. Time only will only be run at end of show on barrels, unless announced differently per show.
  11. ALL horses (even if not being ridden) pays haul in fee.
  12. Tracking year end points start when membership dues are paid. NO back tracking.
  13. If riding multiple horses, must choose 1 horse to track points on before show starts
  14. Must be a member in good standings and attend at least 3 shows to qualify for year-end awards.
  15. Show officials are the only people allowed the behind the registration counter.
  16. Disputes will be brought to the attention of a Playday Chairperson(s) only, not a judge or announcer. All decision will be made with the judge’s and rider’s input, but the Playday Chairperson(s) will have the final decision.
  17. All decisions made by the judge and/or the Playday Chairperson’s are final. If there is a dispute with the ruling, it must be presented in writing to a member of the board before the next MRC board meeting.
  18. Consequences of breaking the rules
  • 1st offense results in a verbal warning. *
  • 2nd offense results in disqualification of next event. *
  • 3rd offense results in dismissal from grounds.
  • * If offense occurs during an event, run will be disqualified.
  • All consequences are at the discretion of the Playday Chairperson(s)


  1. Any infractions of the general rules by horse or rider.
  2. Whipping the horse with the components of the event (flags. etc.).
  3. Abuse of the horse in any manner while on S.S.S.C. grounds.
  4. Unsportsmanlike conduct on S.S.S.C. grounds. The judge can disqualify riders for use of profane language, unnecessary roughness, abusing the horse, show officials or volunteers. Disorderly conduct of any kind. The judge will also disqualify an unmanageable horse for safety reasons. Decisions by the judge and Chairperson(s) will be final.
  5. Teams will be disqualified if the horse waiting its turn crosses the starting line before the horse finishing the course crosses the finish line completely.
  6. In all events the rider must be mounted when crossing the start/finish line.
  7. The general rules written in the guideline will apply to any and all events run at our shows. Individual events presented as replacement or surprise events will be run as close to this guideline as possible with the final decision left to the Judge and/ or Chairperson(s).
  8. KNOCK DOWN/OFF COURSE – NO TIME – If a barrel or pole is knocked down in any event it will be considered a no-time (for all age groups)

Daily Points:

  1. All riders who participate in a S.S.S.C. Playday are qualified to earn points in their age group, based on a single horse and rider combination. Points based on placing: 1st
place = 5 points, 2nd place = 4 points, 3rd place = 3 points, 4th place = 2 points, 5th place = 1 point.
  2. Whoever has the most points at the end of the show wins the high point
    award in each age group, (LL/Beg., Junior. etc.).
  3. A tie for high point in an age group will be broken by counting the number of first place finishes. If there is still a tie, then the tie will be broken by counting the number of second place finishes. If there is still a tie, the tie will be broken with a coin toss.
  4. Riders are responsible for keeping track of their own points (refer to General Rule #20).
  5. You may only make one run in each event for points. Additional runs may be paid for and run for time only.
  6. If your horse is injured during the day, you may substitute another horse, (only at the approval of the Playday Chairperson(s), in order to keep the points, you have already earned for that day.

Year End High-Point:

  1. You must be a current member of S.S.S.C. and participate in at least 3 of the season’s playdays as a member to be eligible for Year End Awards. Year End Points will be effective on the start date of your membership.
  2. Points for the year (and for the day) are based on a single horse and rider combination. If the rider competes on more than one horse, he/she must choose at the beginning of the year which one will be the “point” horse (before the second show). You may not win year end awards on more than one horse in the same class.
  3. If the horse you began the year with is unable to complete the year because of injury, a second horse may be substituted with approval of the Playday chairperson. A written note from a veterinarian on the condition of the horse is required. If the first horse recovers before the end of the season, you may switch back to that horse (with written vet approval). You may not switch to more than one horse unless the second horse is also injured. Points for year-end awards will be the points earned on the first horse plus the points earned on the second horse. If the second horse is not injured, but a third horse is ridden, points earned on the third horse will not count toward year end awards.
  4. Year-end awards are given for each age group (Leadline, Buckaroo, etc.). Members points are tracked per Playday in the order they placed.


  1. Patterns for each individual event are posted on our event calendar.
  2. There may be some events added to any show as a surprise or replacement, which are not present in this publication. They will be run as close to these guidelines as allowed.
  3. Any final decisions will be made by the Judge and Chairperson(s).
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